Monday, January 5, 2009


Hi Folks,

Here we are in January of 2009, the Holidays over again and a chance for a brand new start for the year in many areas of our lives. We have many things to be thankful for and many not to be thankful for. Here are some of my rambling thoughts.

We should be thankful for the fact that our government is going to step in and save our banks, our mortgage companies, possibly our automakers, our credit even. RIGHT!! What in the world are we doing? Take a real look!!

The government is rewarding "bad behavior" on the parts of all these companies. Essentially what the government is saying is that because these companies did not do their homework before making crucial business decisions, because they were motivated by greed, or because they fed the "FAT CATS", the CEOs multi-million dollar bonuses when they fired them even, (the world is motivated by greed in case you haven't noticed) we the taxpayers have an obligation to bail them out.

Worried that you are going to lose your house because you can't pay your mortgage of $2000 a month to say nothing about catching up the last 3 months payments to pull the house out of foreclosure. Now the government is going to help you out by bailing out the companies that helped you get where you are.

THIS BAILOUT WILL BE WITH YOUR TAXES! Get a grip folks, there aren't any free rides. No matter how hard our government tries, they do not GIVE us anything. I'm not saying there shouldn't be any help for these companies. I don't have enough facts to make an informed opinion. I do believe this all should be closely monitored and every dollar accounted for!!

Any time the government gives you a helping hand there is a hangman's rope attached for you to freely use. Pay attention to history. You will be encouraged to get more in debt with propaganda telling you to use more credit cards, buy a bigger house with bigger payments,(even tho the word on the street is that credit has tightened up)use layaway, buy now, no interest and pay in 10 years (okay, I exaggerate), prices are going up, you are going to hear it all.

If you are smart or money savvy, (that's another whole subject, obviously many of us aren't) you will take action and quit procrastinating by using some of the following suggestions:

Cut up all of your credit cards except one saved for emergencies.

Get rid of 100 or more of the channels on your TV that are never watched, (TED TURNER does NOT need your money)

Get rid of that 10 MPG SUV gas hog. If you feel bad about that just take your cash, pile it up and burn it..same euphoria as the smell at the gas pump when you fill the tank.

Get rid of the bells and whistles on your phone service, like 3 way calling (when you only have 2 friends), call waiting, call forwarding and anything else that you never use. I don't care if it's a "good deal" package. Of course it is! It's a good deal for the communications company you use and they laugh all the way to the bank!

Take the kids cell phones away or strip down the minutes and the extras. Come on now! I see a group of 8 yr old kids waiting for the bus, every one has a cell phone glued to their ear!! Sure you feel better if you can track Johnny. Great! Use some discipline for yourself and Johnny. Limit minutes, usage etc.

I know a single Mom with 3 kids and here's the breakdown of her major bills. The cell phone bill is $1000 a month, (they have to get every bell and whistle, every new gadget) mortgage $1500 a month, SUV payment $555 a month and she earns $5000 a month. Dad pays $1000 a month child support. This single MOM just lost her job!! Think she'll be losing anything a car, a house, a few cell phones? Don't count on Dad...he's got 6 weeks left at his job!

Drive right by McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, stop at the store and pick up some chicken, go home and MAKE supper for your family! Trust me, you can do it, cooking is not a disease, it could be a very beneficial activity. Your kids might be healthier, your Dr. bills might be less, you might even get more appreciation!

Cut out the fast foods, chips, candy and soda! Along with wasting money are you purposely trying to kill your kids? NO you say? Oh YES you are!! Get your head out of the sand and do reading!

Make a list every time you go to the store and TAKE IT WITH YOU! Do not buy what is not on your list!

Every time you go to make an impulse buy say to yourself,"Do I really need this?" or ask yourself, "Can I live without this?"

Cut back in every way that you can and sock away a few bucks, pay yourself first. Live on a budget! Come on, you've been hearing it for years! Get with the program and be responsible for your own security!!

We are in a New year with a new president coming in, renewed hope being declared from every corner of the world! Do your part for you AND your loved ones and take the steps to protect yourself in case none of these great promises come to fruition!

The way of life is now what I call "THE THREE G'S". GLITTER, GLUTTONY, AND GREED!

Take a good look around you!! You will see!

Thank you for stopping by and be sure to check back for the next rant from Phili's Banter! 2